The crocheted bucket hats and beanie caps are up on the website. With or without your bow, they are super chic for this Fall/Winter season! Come over and check them out!
Hello! My name is Stephanie and I am the proud WAHM to three beautiful children. I am lucky to be married to my soulmate and best friend. We will celebrate 10 years of happiness this year!
MoMo's Bows was started when we were given our daughter. Until then, the "pink factor" was something that we were lacking around here. I loved being creative for her accessories! Now, I get to make the same pretty things for other people's girls too. MoMo's two older brothers sometimes get tired of Mommy always making "girl stuff" but after I offer them a bow, they are quickly silenced.
Your hats and bows are too too cute! Thanks for visiting me at Dress My doll!